

其他范文 时间:2020-10-02


新概念英语网免费发布新概念英语册名人名言Lesson 99-100,更多新概念英语册名人名言Lesson 99-100相关信息请访问新概念英语网。

There"s only a step from the sublime to the ridiculous、but there"s no road leading back from the ridiculous to the sublime.---L . Feuchtwanger

从崇高到荒谬只有一步之差,可是从荒谬却没有路能回到崇高。 孕希特万格(真理篇)

People are bom to take actions as the flame always rises and the stone always falls down——Voltaire


Good friends who are suffering from hardship know how to help and love each other.---Hugo


To associate, one should not be hypocritical or careless ; one should not cheat, nor hurt others.--Rousseau


You must hove an aim to matter what you are going to do , and once you set the aim , never give up. Because lifetime is limited,there is no time to look around and wait.Romain Rolland

无论做什么事,要先有目标,目标既定之后,就不可再反悔。因为人生时间有限, 不可左顾右盼,一再蹉跎。罗曼罗兰(时间篇)

My youth slipped past me unnoticed and I was always was growing old.---Maugham

我的青年时期已经不知不觉地从我的身边溜走,而过去经常压在我心头的却是我 一天天变老的感觉。 毛姆(时间篇)

If the purpose and content of people’s lives are different individually,such differences will be sure to reflect on appearances to that their appearances wi" be different too ?——Lev Tolstoy

如果人们生活的目的不同,生活的内容不同,那么这个不同就必定会反映到他们 的外表上来,他们的外表也将各异。列夫托尔斯泰(生活篇)

If you think you can, then you can.---Carnegie


