
新概念英语第2册:Lesson1 [新概念英语册名人名言Lesson,9-10]

其他范文 时间:2020-11-09


新概念英语网免费发布新概念英语册名人名言Lesson 9-10,更多新概念英语册名人名言Lesson 9-10相关信息请访问新概念英语网。

But for the cold,we would not know the pine tree"s resistance ; but for the difficulties we would not know great men"s toughness.---Xun Kuang

岁不寒,无以知松柏;事不难,无以知君子。 菊况(奋斗篇)

The life of a person who has an ideal is always hot.——Stalin


The shortest and best way to make your fortune is to let people see clearly that it is their interests to promote yours.--Jean de La Bruyere

获取财富的捷径是让人们清楚地知道,你的利益符合他们的利益。 拉布吕耶尔(成功篇〉

Bees sip honey from flowers and hum their thanks when they leave. The gaudy butterfly is sure that the flowers owe thanks to him.---Tagore

蜜蜂从花中吸蜜,离开时嗡嗡地道谢。 浮夸的蝴蝶却相信花是应该向他道谢的。 泰戈尔(品德篇)

A good book is the best of friends , the same today and for ever.---M. Tupper

好书是的朋友,今天如此,永远如此。 杜培(知识篇)

